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He Marau Pāhekoheko | Integrated Curriculum Mentor Programme

Integrated Curriculum / He Marau Pāhekoheko Mentor Programme

Information about the programme

The Raranga Matihiko He Marau Pāhekoheko programme will support curriculum integration across the class/school.  Specifically, it will

  • Support kaiako to weave the revised technology/hangarau learning areas and Aotearoa New Zealand Histories through the curriculum
  • Provide cross-curricula approaches to support local curriculum
  • Provide leadership opportunities for kaiako to lead/assisting leading school-wide curriculum integration
  • Provide inspiration, strategies and resources to help support all our learners

The programme will support 50 kaiako across the country.  Five from each of the 10 Ministry regions.  During this programme which will run from Terms 2-4, Kaiako will 

  • Commence the programme with a two-day face-to-face hui in their local Ministry of Education (MoE) region.  The hui will unpack local curriculum, focus on the revised technology/hangarau learning areas, strategies for school-wide implementation and develop relationships with the other kaiako undertaking this programme in the MoE region.
  • Deepen their understandings of local curriculum, curriculum integration and other curriculum topics through webinars, resources, conversation and practice
  • Develop plans and mark progress through online group mentoring sessions
  • Lead change within their class, syndicate or school
  • Celebrate their achievements through sharing at an end of programme online conference

How to apply:

  • Talk with your principal to ensure you have their support.  You will need 2-4 hours release time throughout terms 2 and 3 to be involved in this programme.
  • Complete the short application form
  • Applications open on 22 March and close on 16 April 2021.

We will be in touch with you two weeks after the closing date.

About Raranga Matihiko:

The Raranga Matihiko programme is led by Te Papa with our two partner sites Waitangi Treaty Grounds and Auckland Art Gallery. Raranga Matihiko is in its fourth year of operations.  For the first three years, it was funded as part of the Ministry of Education’s Digital Technologies for All Equity Fund. The Equity Fund supports the introduction of new digital technologies learning for all schools and kura across Aotearoa.

Raranga Matihiko delivers innovative museum-based programmes to those with limited digital learning opportunities while increasing access to national and local exhibitions and collections. Throughout the programme, students solve real-world problems, while enriching their knowledge of their communities and regions.  It focuses on curriculum integration and supports kaiako, ākonga and whānau learning together.

The programme is provided at no cost to the school.

The Raranga Matihiko He Marau Pāhekoheko programme is a new option for 2021 and aims to support teachers to implement Aotearoa New Zealand histories, the revised technology/hangarau learning areas in a cross-curricula approach.

Integrated Curriculum / He Marau Pāhekoheko Mentor Programme

Information about the programme

The Raranga Matihiko He Marau Pāhekoheko programme will support curriculum integration across the class/school.  Specifically, it will

  • Support kaiako to weave the revised technology/hangarau learning areas and Aotearoa New Zealand Histories through the curriculum
  • Provide cross-curricula approaches to support local curriculum
  • Provide leadership opportunities for kaiako to lead/assisting leading school-wide curriculum integration
  • Provide inspiration, strategies and resources to help support all our learners

The programme will support 50 kaiako across the country.  Five from each of the 10 Ministry regions.  During this programme which will run from Terms 2-4, Kaiako will 

  • Commence the programme with a two-day face-to-face hui in their local Ministry of Education (MoE) region.  The hui will unpack local curriculum, focus on the revised technology/hangarau learning areas, strategies for school-wide implementation and develop relationships with the other kaiako undertaking this programme in the MoE region.
  • Deepen their understandings of local curriculum, curriculum integration and other curriculum topics through webinars, resources, conversation and practice
  • Develop plans and mark progress through online group mentoring sessions
  • Lead change within their class, syndicate or school
  • Celebrate their achievements through sharing at an end of programme online conference

How to apply:

  • Talk with your principal to ensure you have their support.  You will need 2-4 hours release time throughout terms 2 and 3 to be involved in this programme.
  • Complete the short application form
  • Applications open on 22 March and close on 16 April 2021.

We will be in touch with you two weeks after the closing date.

About Raranga Matihiko:

The Raranga Matihiko programme is led by Te Papa with our two partner sites Waitangi Treaty Grounds and Auckland Art Gallery. Raranga Matihiko is in its fourth year of operations.  For the first three years, it was funded as part of the Ministry of Education’s Digital Technologies for All Equity Fund. The Equity Fund supports the introduction of new digital technologies learning for all schools and kura across Aotearoa.

Raranga Matihiko delivers innovative museum-based programmes to those with limited digital learning opportunities while increasing access to national and local exhibitions and collections. Throughout the programme, students solve real-world problems, while enriching their knowledge of their communities and regions.  It focuses on curriculum integration and supports kaiako, ākonga and whānau learning together.

The programme is provided at no cost to the school.

The Raranga Matihiko He Marau Pāhekoheko programme is a new option for 2021 and aims to support teachers to implement Aotearoa New Zealand histories, the revised technology/hangarau learning areas in a cross-curricula approach.